Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ticketmaster is being Scalped

Ticketmaster is being prepped for a public scalping err I mean offering. IAC (IACI) is going to off load this little gem onto the market that is maybe just waiting for the opportunity to invest in the world’s largest ticket retailer.

A few skeptical points to consider:

1. Ticketmaster will start off with $750 million of debt courtesy of the closing kiss that IAC will extract. Financially it’s called an upstream dividend.
2. If Ticketmaster is so large and dominant why are there so many small upstart companies who figure they have a chance?
3. Ticketmaster says that now they will have aggressive cost cutting. Why could you not have done this in the past?
4. Everyone is excited about the resale market. Frequently referred to as scalping. Ticketmaster also could have already moved into this market in a big way. It does not need to go public before it starts to exploit this segment.