Fortress Investment Group -- Deal Junkies Pawn Dividends
Fortress Investment Group (FIG) skips the latest dividend so as to conserve working capital and do more deals. FIG has consistently missed the dividend since Q2 2008.
Two years in the desert on a horse with no name.
The deal junkies who manage FIG would prefer to have cash on hand so that they can generate more deals that create transaction fees for themselves personally rather than reward shareholders.
Tut tut tut.
Disclosure: I hold no positions in Fortress Investment Group
Two years in the desert on a horse with no name.
The deal junkies who manage FIG would prefer to have cash on hand so that they can generate more deals that create transaction fees for themselves personally rather than reward shareholders.
Tut tut tut.
Disclosure: I hold no positions in Fortress Investment Group
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