Power Ambition Glory --- Book Review
Steve Forbes and John Prevas reached deep and identified that 'Plus ca chance plus c'est le meme chose" The book is a wonderful read if you are into classical history and trying to understand the modern day CEO. Excellent and concise history followed up with comparisons to modern day executives and how they fared in the various battles they fought.
Historical figures are understood as we analyze their circumstances. The book is not as understanding of the modern day executive who wins some and then does not win some. Then again it's hard to criticise Julius Ceasar but Carly Fiorina we have lots of opinions on. Hmm The book does not help you understand the CEO as he/she develops on the public stage.
It is interesting to note that only North American executives were compared to the Greco-Roman world with a significant nod to Persia and Asia Minor. No modern day executive from Asia and no historical figures from the Middle Kingdom or anyone else from Asian history after the classical greats.
Historical figures are understood as we analyze their circumstances. The book is not as understanding of the modern day executive who wins some and then does not win some. Then again it's hard to criticise Julius Ceasar but Carly Fiorina we have lots of opinions on. Hmm The book does not help you understand the CEO as he/she develops on the public stage.
It is interesting to note that only North American executives were compared to the Greco-Roman world with a significant nod to Persia and Asia Minor. No modern day executive from Asia and no historical figures from the Middle Kingdom or anyone else from Asian history after the classical greats.
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