Green Shoots 15 Risk Factors
Green Shoots is being referred to by an increasing amount of desperate personalities; all looking to grasp at financial straws. Here are a few risk factors when dealing with green shoots. Its all in the metaphor.
1. Unexpected frost
2. Squirrels and other desperate rodents looking for a quick snack
3. Too much rain and moisture.
4. Not enough rain and moisture
5. Poor soil conditions
6. Incompetent transplant
7. Poor fertilization
8. Inadequate cultivation techniques
9. Weeds and competing foliage
10. Inadequate sun exposure
11. Someone stealing things from your garden at night
12. Someone not stealing from your garden because its not worth it
13. The empty and disappointing feeling that you planted the wrong thing and it actually grew.
14. The empty and disappointing feeling that you planted the right thing but in the wrong place.
15. The terrible feeling you or others get when they realize that you are not even close to having a green thumb.
1. Unexpected frost
2. Squirrels and other desperate rodents looking for a quick snack
3. Too much rain and moisture.
4. Not enough rain and moisture
5. Poor soil conditions
6. Incompetent transplant
7. Poor fertilization
8. Inadequate cultivation techniques
9. Weeds and competing foliage
10. Inadequate sun exposure
11. Someone stealing things from your garden at night
12. Someone not stealing from your garden because its not worth it
13. The empty and disappointing feeling that you planted the wrong thing and it actually grew.
14. The empty and disappointing feeling that you planted the right thing but in the wrong place.
15. The terrible feeling you or others get when they realize that you are not even close to having a green thumb.
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