Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Maple Leaf Foods Encounters Problems

Maple Leaf Foods (Toronto: MFI) has found syringes within their food supply. Suspicion has fallen on their Kitchener Plant. Government Inspectors are investigating. Local police are unaware of the incident at the time of writing. No syringes have been found at the retail level. No information has been provided about the threat levels or if there have been any blackmail attempts. There will almost certainly be a product recall with the usual negative damage to an otherwise OK brand.

The incident raises suspicions about the security of the food supply at Maple Leaf Foods as well as other food processors. It was only just a few weeks ago that various products containing carrot juice were pulled when they were found to be causing botulism. Investors in food companies are understandable nervous.

The stock has been trading at the bottom of its 52 week range